Here and there the transposition of the fast waters, gives the touch of adrenaline to make this day unforgettable.
approx 4:30
Guadiana River
Meeting point : Brinches
What you need to know
Casual wear to get wet, shorts or bathing suit, hat, sunscreen, shoes to get wet (old tennis or specific footwear for water, preferably rigid soles - sticking the toe slippers are not advisable), change of dry clothes, towel, pic - nic.
Price ( per person )
€ 36.00 / person (includes : Place in two-seater kayak, specialized monitors, water supply, and mobile radio communication, insurance, transportation to the place of beginning of the activity.)
Number of Participants
2 to 20 participants
Other information
Organization of groups of minimum 6 people. Admissions under 6 persons will be organized in a group to make up a minimum of 6 participants. Special condition for groups. Picnic optional.